#2 - Why start a blog?
So...why did I start a blog?
Initially I decide to create this blog just for the fun of it. I spend a lot of time reading books, listening to podcasts and reading other people's blogs and websites on subjects that interest me (mostly finance and technology) and I thought that creating a website or blog of my own would be fun.
I read up on it a little and looked at some of the platforms other content creators use and could see that WordPress is particularly suited to blogging. I however want something low maintenance and that's where Ghost comes in (I hope!). From what I can see Ghost looks to be ideal for my needs but I have to say I'm completely new to this and still learning with each post I make.
For me the main reasons for starting this blog are...
Gain New Skills:
I'm interested in personal development and developing new skills and have been for some time. Creating my own website allows me to learn about website hosting, creating content and even how to design web graphics.
Improve my writing ability:
When you think about it, this one is pretty obvious. Blogging involves writing and I think we've all heard the saying that the more you do something the better you get at it. I'm aiming to write a blog post each week (that maybe a little optimistic). I do have a day job so this target may occasionally slip. With time however, I hope to improve my writing ability and be in a position to produce more polished and professional content.
Write about my experiences:
You may be wondering what I will be writing about. Well, I decided back in 2018 that I needed to take a more hands-on approach to my personal finances and begin investing for my future.
This blog will be based around that, the decisions that I have been making and what I have learnt as I look to gain some control over my future.