About Me
Hi, I'm Chris, I'm an IT professional based in the UK and I've worked in the IT and technology space since 2003. You can learn more about me from my LinkedIn profile.
As you'd expect, my passions include technology but also finance and investing. I'm also a big believer in the power of personal development and learning new skills. I spend a lot of time researching and reading up on topics that interest me particularly around technology, investing and more recently financial independence.

What I'm working on
This personal website - which is a work in progress at the moment but is somewhere where I will be posting updates and articles around my interests such as personal finance, personal growth, health and computing / IT.
Other interests
Reading - I read a lot; both fiction and non-fiction. I particularly enjoy fantasy, sci-fi and thrillers.
I usually read on an evening and generally read two books at once; one fiction and the other non-fiction.